Conference center

The different conference formats

Have you ever been to a bar camp?

We explain the differences to you so that your next meeting will be a complete success.


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What is a meeting?

Meetings are a form of conversation in organizations in which a group of participants from a certain area of ​​work can bring together facts, problems, opinions and plans through personal contact. So to speak, this is the umbrella term for all of the terms listed below.

What is a closed meeting?

We are experts for closed meetings!
We also have the perfect place for distraction-free, concentrated exams. 
You think about a topic in peace, let it pass in review and, if necessary, the topics are revised. 
Sometimes creative solutions and innovative approaches emerge. And sometimes the realization matures that the structures and processes are no longer useful.

What is a seminar / training course?

A seminar is held once on a specific topic with up to 25 participants and is used for further training. It is a learning and teaching event that serves to acquire or deepen knowledge in groups interactively. Seminars are held by a seminar leader or trainer.

What is a conference?

A conference usually only lasts one day and lectures and presentations are given by people from one branch. The number of participants is lower than, for example, at a congress.

What is a hybrid meeting?

A hybrid conference is a relatively new event format. With the help of the latest technology, you can communicate with your partners all over the world using various streaming options and video conferences. Different trainers and conference participants can be added live.
The participants can also take part in a conference at a distance in different group rooms on site.  

What is a bar camp?

A bar camp is a creative open conference without great prior planning with open workshops. The participants develop their own content and processes at the beginning of the meeting and then design them later. Barcamps are used for content exchange and discussion. The focus is on participant engagement. Concrete results can be presented at the end of the event.

What is a workshop?

The aim of a workshop is to find solutions to problems, to work on different topics or to promote the development of new ideas and innovations. The implementation takes place in working groups, whereby the entire team is involved in order to work together on the required issues. The common goal is in the foreground.

What is a course?

The training takes place in several stages. The transfer of knowledge in a course is carried out in pedagogical and didactic steps over a longer period of time.

What is a conference?

A conference is a multi-day form of a meeting with a large number of participants (at least 50 participants). A conference focuses on problem solving and decision-making through the gathering of different experts. Conferences serve the purpose of meeting and discussing the development of new products and services and the exchange of information on company matters with the workforce. Smaller rooms for group work are often necessary to realize projects. Conferences are not always held in-house, but also at national level.

What is a Design Thinking Meeting?

It is an approach that aims to lead to problem solving and new ideas being developed. The aim is to find solutions that are convincing from the user's point of view. Design thinking is based on the fact that problems can be solved better when different people work together in a creatively supportive environment. It combines the three basic core aspects: benefit, feasibility and marketability. The steps can be described as follows:

  1. Understanding: The problem at the beginning is best defined with a team of several people.
  2. Observe: Observation is about being able to empathize with the customer via analysis or interviews.
  3. Define your point of view: The results of the first two steps are combined.
  4. Finding ideas: A general brainstorming session enables any ideas, no matter how crazy or utopian.
  5. Prototype: A creative prototype is created for illustrative purposes. Most importantly, the simpler the better.
  6. Testing: Finally, what has been developed is tested. Feedback is the be-all and end-all. It is quite common for new products to have several test phases before the end result can be approved.



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